Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

He is place in Mecca At least Mustajab Umrah

When you perform umrah or hajj journey, sometimes a lot of relatives or friends who want to pray in places efficacious in Mecca. Not infrequently among Umrah or Haj pilgrims are still confused, Anywhere where most efficacious to pray in Mecca. I myself as a mentor for Umrah and Hajj often asked many times by the pilgrims about it.

Well, perhaps you want to Umrah or Hajj, you can pray anywhere efficacious in Mecca. or maybe just maybe there are relatives who are berumrah, you can nitip prayer in places efficacious below.

Multazam is a place between the Black Stone and the door of the Ka'bah. The place is believed by all scholars as the most efficacious to pray around the Kaaba. This is based on a hadith narrated by Abdullah Bin Abbas companions, Behold, the Prophet SAW said:

"Multazam is where the granting of the prayer. None of the prayer of a servant in Multazam exception would be granted" (HR. Ahmad)

Not surprisingly, if a lot of people who jostle jostling just to be able to pray in this Multazam. If that condition is not possible, it is better not enforced, because it could be you pursue sunnah but instead the sin that you get jammed due to the crowding can hurt and hurt the feelings of fellow Muslims.

This place is no less crowded with Multazam, because this place is second favorite place after Multazam. Quite often at this place is always crowded with pilgrims who want to pray and pray there.

Formerly, Hijr is still included as part of the Kaaba. Pray in Hijr same as you pray in the Kaaba. Once there was an interesting story, that time there was a religious teacher who pray in Hijr, but his prayer was not facing the Kaaba, but back to the Kaaba. The police on duty around Hijr directly led to the well-known cleric is not part of the Office of haiah Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar located in the Haram.

But Sheikh Haram answer a staggering of the police who arrested him. "Let this man, because it allowed to pray in the Hijr with his back facing the Kaaba. Formerly Hijr is the Kaaba".

So it is allowed to pray facing anywhere while in Hijr. And the cleric eventually released, police were menggelandangnya also apologized.

My advice, though pray in Hijr be facing anywhere, but you should respect the congregation than you, when you pray here menghadaplah to the Kaaba as usual pilgrims so as not to invite reactions and emotions of other pilgrims who do not understand the issue.

Under the Shower (Talang Emas)
Hijr in the area there is a place where the former wife of Prophet Abraham and his son. Ishmael never lived there, this place was marked with a shower of gold.

Under this golden showers or gutters is one of the most efficacious if we pray there. At the time of rained pilgrims will usually scramble take water that falls from the golden gutters.

So after you pray and pray in Hijr do not jump out of the area, There should briefly to pray at a time under the golden gutter as shown above.

Behind Maqam Ibrahim
The next most efficacious place behind Maqam Ibrahim. Usually after executing thawaf seven pilgrims and Umrah will be praying and praying behind Maqam Ibrahim this.

In the book Qadhaya fi al Hajj wa al Umrah, Dr. Mohammed Abla Al Kahlawi said that "among fadhilah Maqam Ibrahim is granted every prayer that is being said in this place".

When Working Sai
Sai is one of a series of Umrah and Hajj. Although a sai not included as part of the Haram but also includes the place where the most efficacious. You should know, that worship thawaf and exemplifies once the start is the Angels.

While worship exemplifying Sa'i first is the mother of Prophet Ismail named Siti Hajar. In the book of Islamic History books say that Hagar ran between shafa and marwa 7 rounds to find water for his son, Prophet Ismail, who was still a baby.

If you are on pilgrimage or berumrah and is implementing Sa'i then it ought to pray in this place, because also a place that is efficacious.

Intend instantly Umroh you together with Arbaintravel dearest along with spend less Arbain Umrah Traveling Offer jadi agen travel umroh. Prepare quickly in the first place together with complete preparation. Delightful Hajj and Umrah to be able to Umrah which in turn Mabrur. Aamiin...

Knowing cotton fiber

The cotton fiber is a natural fiber extracted from plant fibers are classified as natural cellulose fiber derived from fruit. The cotton fiber produced from seed hairs of plants are included in the types of Gossypium. Species that have evolved to industrial crops are cotton Gossypium hirstum, which later became known as the American upland cotton or cotton. Cotton fiber is the main source of raw materials, including manufacturers of cotton knit fabric cheap t-shirts.

Physical structure of the cotton fiber

The shape and dimensions of the cross section of the maturity of the cotton fibers is influenced by the level of the fiber which can be seen by the thickness of the cell wall. The cell wall fiber more mature thickened. Determining the length of the fiber can be used with a ratio of wall thickness between the diameter of the fiber. The wall thickness of the fiber is considered an adult if more lumennya.

In many seeds of cotton fiber, which is currently in the same growth results in thick walls are not the same. One fifth of the normal amount of fiber of cotton fiber maturity. Growth of the fibers Immature fiber interrupted for any reason, such as poor growth conditions, the position of fruit plants that grow cotton bnuah most extreme peak, damage from insects and cold air, Fruit that can not be opened, and other. Resistance of immature fiber is low and if the amount is too high, the treatment will cause a great loss.

The chemical structure of the cotton fiber

Whatever the source of the cellulose derivatives are prinsif has the same chemical structure. This can be seen in the analysis of the hydrolysis and methylation of the program that contains essentially cellulose anhydroglucose residual. Molecules of glucose menyesun subsequent (monosaccharides) in the form of binding ß-glukopironase and linked in positions 1 and 4 carbon atoms of the molecule. Units of formula seems pengulanganya cellobiose (a disacárido), which then forms the cellulose (a polysaccharide).

Predictions Predictions 300x154 lint cotton fiber

The physical properties of cotton fiber


The color of the cotton fiber is generally white cream, but in reality there are a variety of white color. The influence of micro-organisms that cause cotton color became dark. In bad weather, the color of the cover [as very dark bluish gray. Cotton cultivation is arrested shall be yellowish. The color of cotton is a crucial degree.


The resistance of the cotton fiber is mainly influenced by the content of cellulose fibers, the length and orientation of the chain. The cotton fiber is average Kekutan 96-700 pounds per in2 with a minimum of 70 000 and a maximum of £ 116,000 per in2. The strength of the cotton fiber is not generally menurundalam wet, but otherwise the resistance of the cotton fibers in the wet state.


The cotton fiber elongation at break is higher among the natural cellulose fibers, about double the flax elongation. Among the natural fibers of wool and silk, which has an elongation more than cotton. Range of cotton fibers of 4-13% elongation according to the variety with an average elongation of 7%

Moisture Regain

Cotton fibers have a high affinity for water, and the water has a significant influence on the properties of the fiber. Very dry cotton fibers force coarse, brittle and weak. Humidity cotton fiber recovery varies with changes in relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere. Cotton fiber Moiture Gami recovery under standard 7 to 8.5%

The chemical properties of the fibers of cotton

The cotton fiber is composed mainly of cellulose, chemically similar to the chemical properties of cellulose wadding. Cotton fibers are generally resistant to the conditions of storage, handling and normal use, but an oxidizing agent and hydrolyzed damage with a consequent decrease of the force

The damage due to oxidation forming oksiselulosa usually occurs in the process of over-whitening, irradiation temperatures of hot and humid higher than 140 ° C long.

The mixture between the two strands of different types for both the child and the fabric is often performed for mixing is to increase the visibility and the ability of the fabric formed gaps .Kelebihan and properties that make up the fiber impact on each other and enhance each other mixtures